Sunday, April 8, 2012


We visited the DMZ and received special permission to get an inside look at the actual line.  When we got off our bus, we were greeted by a 3 star General.  Then we went to the actual DMZ, the line on the 38th parallel that separates North and South Korea. It was a unique experience that not many people get to do. We were only allow to take pictures in certain spots because the North Korean's might take it as a hostile measure. This whole experience was amazing.

Above is a picture of Colin bowing to the General. We were with a Korean translator who is actually leaving in July to go to the University of Florida (I taught him to say Go Gators, by the way). He served in the army for 3 years and he said he has never met a 3 star General.  It was a pretty special moment for him.

After meeting the General, we were taken to lunch by some soldiers who studied in the States so they spoke impeccable English.  Lunch was served in the soldier's mess hall. The picture above was my meal.

Driving to the DMZ was pretty intense. Our guide said "you are now entering the DMZ", and the whole bus of Korean went silent. This is a shot of one of the soldiers guarding the door to North Korea. He obviously looks very intimidated of me.

This is North Korea in the background.  The soldier is a Major in the army.  It was interesting because other soldiers were asking to get their picture taken with him.  I asked him if he was a celebrity and he said yes.

I added the above shot because this soldier is half looking at a the building, half North Korea. This is done because they only want him half exposed if the North Korean's start firing.

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